Acupuncture is often combined with herbal therapy when treating various internal medical complaints. Patients receive an herbal formula based on the pattern diagnosis. Each person’s case is treated individually focusing typically on the underlying cause and its manifestation. The formulas themselves are a combination of synergetically acting Chinese herbs. Herbs are almost never given individually as is done in Western medicine. This increases the effect of the formula and reduces any unwanted side effects. These formulas have been passed down for centuries along with detailed use and modifications. A patient may be given herbs in pill and capsule form or in a powder or tea.
What kind of questions could be asked about your diet?
Chinese medicine has a long tradition in using not only herbs but food as a remedy. Food can be categorized by its function in the body and its interaction with different organs. Some foods can be taken to strengthen organs while others could further weaken the body at various times. Education is an important part of treating patients.
Patients might be asked to bring in a sample diet for analysis. For certain disease patterns, it will be necessary to avoid different types of food. Other patients can be counseled on the way they eat. The atmosphere in which a person eats is just as important as what to eat. Good digestion is the key to providing good daily nutrition.